A-B Arteether 150 mg Injection
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A-B Arteether 150 mg Injection


SKU: c2b39e28b9fc Category:

A-B Arteether 150 mg Injection is a special medicine that helps treat a very dangerous disease called malaria. Malaria is caused by tiny germs called parasites that get into our blood through the bite of an infected mosquito. This injection is usually given in hospitals or clinics by a nurse or doctor. It is only used when malaria becomes serious or when other malaria medicines do not work. 

If malaria is not treated quickly, it can make people very sick, and in some cases, it can even be life-threatening. That’s why medicines like A-B Arteether are so important. A-B Arteether injection works fast and starts killing the malaria parasites quickly, helping people feel better in just a few days. 

A-B Arteether Injection Uses

Here are the uses of A-B Arteether injection: 

Treatment of Severe Malaria – This injection is used to treat very serious cases of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. This is a dangerous type of malaria parasite.

When Other Medicines Fail – This a-b arteether injection is also used when other malaria medicines are not working well or if the person cannot take tablets by mouth.

Fast Relief – It helps to reduce high fever, chills, and weakness very quickly.

Emergency Treatment – Doctors use it in emergency situations when malaria symptoms are getting worse fast.

How A-B Arteether Works?

When malaria parasites enter the body, they live and grow inside our red blood cells. These parasites make us feel weak, give us a fever, and cause chills. A-B Arteether goes into the blood through an injection. It attacks the malaria parasites directly and stops them from growing and multiplying. When the parasites cannot grow, they slowly die. As the number of parasites goes down, the symptoms of malaria like fever, weakness, and body aches also start to go away.

Dosage and Administration 

A-B Arteether 150 mg Injection is always given by a nurse or doctor. It is injected slowly into a muscle, usually in the upper arm or thigh. This medicine is often given once a day for three days in a row. The doctor decides how many injections are needed based on the person’s age, weight, and how serious the malaria infection is. It is very important to complete the full treatment, even if the person starts feeling better after the first dose. This makes sure that all the parasites are killed, and malaria does not come back.

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Pack Size

3X2 ML